Sunday, July 27, 2014

open ctp file in dreamweaver

There are ultimately 3 files that you need to edit. The first two are located in the folder that you installed Dreamweaver, in my case this is "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Dreamweaver CS3\configuration" although I'm using the latest version of Dreamweaver previous versions also have a "configuration" folder so go there.
Open up "Extensions.txt" and on the first line at the very end add THTML and CTP separated by commas, so the line should read:
Similarly add these two extensions to the ":PHP Files" line.
Next open the "DocumentTypes" folder and edit the "MMDocumentTypes.xml" file, just open it up using notepad or wordpad. Search for the line which has an id "PHP_MySQL" and add the THTML/CTP file extensions to both the "winfileextension" and "macfileextension" so the line should read:
The final file is another version of the "Extensions.txt" which is located in your "Documents and Settings" Folder in my case this is "C:\Documents and Settings\James\Application Data\Adobe\Dreamweaver 9\Configuration" just add the very same things you inserted earlier.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Prevent onmouseout when hovering child elements - the best solution

here is the best solution

onmouseout="if (this =={reset();}

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

larger image on hover

for larger image on hover here is the best tutorial

and for pop up on hover

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

using $this->paginate= twice in a controller method

DEAR PEOPLE FROM THE FUTURE: Here's what we've figured out so far...
OP is correct that YourController::$paginate is only fed into the PaginatorComponent once. If you need to call YourController::paginate() again with different options, you'll need to unload the component first, e.g.:
Then, the next time you call YourController::paginate(), it will reload whatever's in the YourController::$paginate property.

Monday, February 10, 2014

mysql connect without prompt of password

Store your password in the MYSQL_PWD environment variable. 
other MySQL Related Environment Variables
CXXThe name of your C++ compiler (for running configure).
CCThe name of your C compiler (for running configure).
CFLAGSFlags for your C compiler (for running configure).
CXXFLAGSFlags for your C++ compiler (for running configure).
DBI_USERThe default user name for Perl DBI.
DBI_TRACETrace options for Perl DBI.
HOMEThe default path for the mysql history file is $HOME/.mysql_history.
LD_RUN_PATHUsed to specify the location of
MYSQL_DEBUGDebug trace options when debugging.
MYSQL_GROUP_SUFFIXOption group suffix value (like specifying --defaults-group-suffix).
MYSQL_HISTFILEThe path to the mysql history file. If this variable is set, its value overrides the default for $HOME/.mysql_history.
MYSQL_HOMEThe path to the directory in which the server-specific my.cnf file resides.
MYSQL_HOSTThe default host name used by the mysql command-line client.
MYSQL_PS1The command prompt to use in the mysql command-line client.
MYSQL_PWDThe default password when connecting to mysqld. Note that using this is insecure. See Section, “End-User Guidelines for Password Security”.
MYSQL_TCP_PORTThe default TCP/IP port number.
MYSQL_UNIX_PORTThe default Unix socket file name; used for connections to localhost.
PATHUsed by the shell to find MySQL programs.
TMPDIRThe directory where temporary files are created.
TZThis should be set to your local time zone. See Section C.5.4.6, “Time Zone Problems”.
UMASKThe user-file creation mode when creating files. See note following table.
UMASK_DIRThe user-directory creation mode when creating directories. See note following table.
USERThe default user name on Windows and NetWare when connecting to mysqld.